
A-Z Listing


Gender and Sexual Orientation

Resources Equaliteach run workshops with children and young people and staff tackling sensitive topics such as homophobia and challenging stereotypes. Show Racism the Red Card has a number or resources on this website around tackling homophobia


For information on background, local and DfE guidance for Statutory and Non-Statutory documents please click on any of the topic areas above.

Governor allowances (statutory)

Applies to Maintained Schools Background Governors and associate members may claim allowances in respect of actual expenditure incurred whilst attending meetings of the Governing board and its committees (or associated training), as agreed by the Governing board. Approval The Governing board is free to delegate to a committee of the governing board, an individual governor, or the headteacher. Review frequency The Governing board is free to determine but it is recommended th…

Governor code of conduct

Overview There is no statutory requirement to have a code of conduct. The House of Commons Education and Employment Committee's report on 'The Role of School Governors' recommends: 'Governing boards adopt a code of practice outlining the purpose of the governing board which describes the appropriate relationship between individual governors, the whole governing board and the school'. Local guidance Model Code of Conduct for Governors 2017/18 Model Code of Conduct 2017 Summary…

Governor election and appointment

Background This guidance sets out the arrangements for the appointment/re-appointment of governors as vacancies occur and covers the following categories of governor: Parent/ Staff/ Local Authority / Community / Partnership and Associate Member. Information on how we can help you recruit can be found on our 'Improving your Board - The Right People' pages . DfE Guidance Types of Governor Statutory guidance on school governance Governor's Handbook Further National Guidance Churc…

Governor Newsletter

Stay connected with the latest updates and insights on the governor’s recent activities, policy initiatives, and upcoming events. Our newsletter is your go-to source for: Messages from the Governor : Hear directly from the governor about key issues and initiatives. Legislative Achievements : Discover the latest legislative milestones and how they impact you. Community Outreach : Learn about the governor’s efforts to engage with and support our communities. Im…

Governor Recruitment

Governor Recruitment When recruiting new governors, it is vital to ensure that prospective governors have the skills to contribute to effective governance and the success of the school as well as to promote community cohesion and equality. Furthermore, governing boards should aim to ensure that school governors reflect the diversity of their communities and are sensitive to the needs of the various communities their school may serve. All state-funded educational institutions in England th…

Governor Roles

When Governors have been appointed they may be assigned to various roles and responsibilities within the governing board.

Governor support

The Local Authority actively promotes and supports high standards of governance in Buckinghamshire schools. To do so, Buckinghamshire Council will: Be the champion of high-quality school governance; Help to ensure that governors have access to support and training in order to develop the right skills to execute their role; and Implement appropriate monitoring arrangements to identify signs of failure in relation to governors’ oversight of finance, safety or performance standards in…

Governor visits

Background Governing boards are recommended to prepare and approve a policy on Governors’ visits, in consultation with their school. Governors should plan visits to learn about a wide range of school activity and each visit should have a clear focus. These visits assist in enabling Governors to fulfil their statutory responsibility for the conduct of the school. Local Guidance Governor Visit Guidance and Model Policy DfE Guidance Governor visits

Governor Zone

BESST Governor training page Headteacher and Governor Handbook The Governor Zone covers everything from the governor times to policies and documents. Email:

Governors' safeguarding advice

The statutory guidance, Keeping children safe in education , places requirements on all governing boards. Boards must ensure their schools have effective safeguarding policies and procedures in place that take into account local risks, any statutory guidance issued by the Secretary of State, any LA guidance, and locally agreed on inter-agency procedures. Governor safeguarding audit It is suggested that this optional safeguarding audit for nominated governors is completed in partnership wi…

Graduated Approach

Buckinghamshire’s ‘Graduated Approach’ to early SEN support Buckinghamshire has just launched its Graduated Approach to SEND which sets out a clear step by step plan of action and intervention for all children and young people with a special educational need or disability. What is the Graduated Approach? The Graduated Approach has been introduced in line with the SEN Code of Practice (2015) and the principle of Early Support. It aims to ensure all children and young people with an SEND…

Graduated approach - Principles and Processes

About this Guidance The SEND Code of Practice 2015 defines the Graduated approach as: A model of action and intervention in early education settings, schools and colleges to help children and young people who have special educational needs. The approach recognises that there is a continuum of special educational needs and that, where necessary, increasing specialist expertise should be brought to bear on the difficulties that a child or young person may be experiencing. Buc…

Graduated Approach - Transitions Toolkit

A toolkit of guidance, resources and links to support children and young people’s transition (transfer) between educational settings. The aim of this toolkit is to ensure that all children and young people with SEND have a smooth and successful transition process which meets their pastoral, academic and physical needs, enabling them to have the best possible start to their new phase of education. This toolkit covers the school phases from Early Years through to Post 16 and can be used to…

Graduated Approach Intervention Guidance

The Graduated Approach supports the Local Offer. It helps education settings meet the needs of children and young people with special educational needs (SEN). Intervention Guidance documents give examples of the three tiers of support which are: Tier 1: Universal support Tier 2: Early Support for SEND Tier 3: Continuing Support for SEND These guidance documents show and the journey through these tiers using the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle. The documents are split into ex…

Guidance for children and young people

Why is the Child or Young Person having an annual (yearly) review? The child or young person currently has an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP). This document outlines what they hope to be able to do in the future and what support they might need to do this. A year is a long time, and in that time they may have developed new ideas about what they want to achieve in the future. Their support needs may also have changed. So it is important that the child or young person and those peopl…

Guidance for Meetings Online

Whilst we continue to be unable to meet face to face, the use of apps such as Zoom / Teams / Google is increasing, along with a rise in the risks associated with this form of communication. It doesn't matter what you are using there a re still some who are determined to exploit others, be it for malicious intent or fun. Zoom bombings are becoming a trend, often involving people sharing indecent images, sometimes of children, in live meetings, or annotating of the screen with racist words.…

Guide for Writing a Nomination

Here are some top tips to help you write a nomination that will really wow the judging panel: Please do: Use the award criteria, listed under each award, to help you write the nomination. Please include an example of how the nominee(s) have achieved against each of the four requirements for each nomination. Add in information that brings the nomination alive and helps the judges to get a feel for the person/team. Refer back to the three core criteria for all awards; supporting ot…

Guidelines for professional EHC reports

Professional reports should include the purpose for which the report was written and relevant background information(e.g. Who requested the report, what were their concerns) a description of the assessment process, including any unusual, contradictory or inconsistent features of the case(that the report was based on: observation of the child/young person in the classroom/home/ clinic etc, during unstructured time, working 1-1 / in a group, assessments and observations carried out by th…

Gypsy, Roma & Traveller Education

Who are we? The Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Education Team is a countywide service offered to support education settings, parents and children from the Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities. The GRT Education Team works with schools and families to improve school attendance, parental engagement, safeguarding support, cultural awareness training and guidance and supports the attainment and outcomes of children from the GRT community. We work directly with parents to support their underst…

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