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ICT Schools Team

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ICT Training

Training Schedules Spring 2025 (up to February half term) - available to book online now (updated 12.12.24) Training & Consultancy Packages IMPORTANT – hybrid training is being offered. All training events will state either FACE TO FACE or ONLINE, to specify the difference. For example: Census Workshop - ONLINE Census Workshop - FACE TO FACE Please note that a charge of £50.00 will be made for a late cancellation (unless 5 working days' notice is given) or non-attenda…

Improving your governing board

Continuous improvement is not only is not the only key for schools, but vital for Governing Boards too. An effective governing board will have clear structures and processes in place to carry out its functions effectively. Absolute clarity about the different roles and responsibilities of the headteacher and governors underpins the most effective governance. Protocols, specific duties and terms of reference are made explicit in written documents. The governing board should plan work across t…

Information for academies

Section 128 checks for proprietor governors in academies and free schools Section 128 of the Education and Skills Act 2008 prohibits unsuitable staff and proprietors from “taking part in the management of an Independent School.” For this legislation, academies and free schools are now included in the definition of an independent school. Section 128 Barring Direction Checks for Governors DOCX, 22.2KB Chair of trustees - academy trusts Academy trust chairs of trustees must compl…

Information sharing

Information sharing is essential for effective safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. It is a key factor identified in many safeguarding practice reviews. Resources Download the Government Guidelines: Advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services to children, young people, parents, and carers (July 2018) Download the Checklist for all external school visitors Information Management View the IRMS Information Management Toolkit that has been…

Instrument of government (statutory)

Applies to Maintained Schools Background The instrument of government is the document that records the name of the school and the constitution of its governing board. The governing board prepares the draft instrument of government and submits it to the local authority to consider whether it complies with the relevant legal requirements. The local authority must supply a copy of the instrument of government to each member of the governing board. Approval Full governing board. R…

Internet Safety

Internet safety continues to be a popular topic for schools to address, particularly as children and young people are spending more time online than ever before. On these pages you will find various workshops and resources to help you in your setting. Bao - Stay Safe project is a Finalist Our Internet safety game 'Bao - It's a Jungle Out There' is a finalist at the Tech4good awards. To find out more about the awards scan the QR code. To play the game go to our Erasmus Stay Safe p…

Internet safety resources

Below are some resources that may be useful in schools Sample Templates Free Online Safety Policy Templates from South West Grid for Learning (SWGfL) including: including Mobile Tech Policy Parent Agreement Template School reporting log template Social Media Policy Template Example Incident flowchart IT Loan Guidance and Templates With schools loaning out devices to families and staff we have created a guidance with ideas on how to do this including templates wh…


We are pleased you have found this site as the acronym of SACRE is not one that slips off the tongue of too many people. It stands for: Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education and we consider that we are: S - Spiritually enriching A - Affirming C - Challenging R - Respectful E -Educational As an advisory body for Buckinghamshire Council we work closely with them and are delighted that we have been offered this opportunity of having dedicated pages on the Schools Web. Ou…

IOSH Managing Safely

IOSH Managing Safely gives you the knowledge and skills you need to manage health and safety. This course covers the essential elements of health and safety management including risk assessment and risk control, accident investigation, and performance measuring. Upon successful completion of the course and assessment, delegates are awarded a Managing Safely certificate from the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). It is essential that delegates attend all three days of…

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher

This re-certification course is for delegates who already hold a Managing Safely certificate. It refreshes knowledge, builds on existing capabilities and allows for personal reflections on best practice. A new Managing Safely certificate will be issued to delegates who successfully complete a short assessment. Suitable for - Managers, Headteachers/Health and Safety Co-ordinators and others, who have the responsibility for managing health and safety, who have completed the five day IOSH…

IOSH Working Safely

This nationally recognised accredited course gives an introduction to why health and safety is important. Working safely shows how everyone can make a difference to their own wellbeing and that of others through everyday behaviours. This course focuses on best practice rather than legislation. Suitable for - site managers, caretakers, technicians and others who require basic health and safety training. Refresher Training Required? - yes, every three years This nationally recognised…

IR35 Compliance

What is IR35 and off payroll working? Off-payroll working rules apply if a worker provides their services directly through their own limited company or another type of intermediary such as an umbrella company, personal service company (limited companies with a sole or majority director/shareholder who provides the services of the company), partnership or agency etc. Off payroll working applies to anyone who is not directly employed by your organisation and is not on your payroll. The tax…

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