A-Z Listing
Ukrainian Support
The people of Buckinghamshire have welcomed hundreds of Ukrainian families since the Homes for Ukraine scheme began. The information on this page and links provided are designed to offer support to schools and the families we have welcomed. These are all relevant as of December 2022. General Advice and Guidance for Schools Welcoming Refugee Children and Young People Visit A Helping Hand for Ukraine Buckinghamshire Council Visit Support from the council for sponsors and guests | Buck…
Understanding Governance
Here you will find a wealth of information, useful for both those new to the role and for those with experience. Information is always being updated as we respond to the ever-changing educational landscape. Types of school Maintained schools, academies, MATs etc. Types of governor There are many different types of governor, including staff, parent, LA and foundation governors Committees Most governing boards establish committees to assist in carrying out their work and may delegate…
Unique Pupil Numbers (UPNs)
A Unique Pupil Number (UPN) is a number that identifies each pupil in England uniquely . A UPN is allocated to each pupil according to a nationally specified formula on first entry to school (or in some cases earlier), and is intended to remain with the pupil throughout their school career regardless of any change in school or local authority (LA). A similar compatible system has been introduced for learners in maintained schools in Wales. Independent schools are not required to issue UPNs f…
TUPE Letter for staff Buckinghamshire Council from 1 April 2020 Download the TUPE letter You will be aware that from 1 April 2020 a new Buckinghamshire council was created. Staff from Buckinghamshire County Council and the four district councils were TUPE’d across to the new council – Buckinghamshire Council - on their existing terms and conditions of service. The TUPE process included school staff of all BCC controlled schools (i.e. where BCC was designated as the legal employer of…
Use of reasonable force
Background Non-statutory advice from the Department for Education is intended to provide clarification on the use of force to help school staff feel more confident about using this power when they feel it is necessary and to make clear the responsibilities of Headteachers and Governing boards in respect of this power. Governing boards are advised to: consider the guidance on developing a school policy on the use of force to control, or restrain pupils develop the school's own pol…
Useful Resources
Useful resources for young people Check out our Public Health Pages for more information on Healthy Eating. Also, please visit our Dental Health Page Further information and resources on healthy eating can be found on the Change4life website and on the NHS choices website , where you can also find the easy Meals App. The Food a fact of life organisation provides free resources about healthy eating, cooking, food, and farming for children and young people aged 3 to 18 years. Healthy…