
A-Z Listing


Early Education Funding for 3 and 4 year olds

Since April 2011, schools with nursery classes have been funded in the same way as providers for: Private Voluntary Independent (PVI) This is through the Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF). Funding guidance The Guidance to Early Education Funding and any supporting documentation can be found in the Early Years Web. Funded entitlement information on the Early Years website This document is a brief guide for schools which has been written to highlight some…

Early identification and prevention

There is a strong case for stopping non-attendance before it has begun. Government data demonstrates the link between attendance and attainment. Currently, t here is more than a 40% gap in the number of pupils with no missed sessions achieving expected standards at GCSE, and those who persistently do not attend . The effects are stark across key stages. The resources required to reintegrate a child who is already not attending are reported to be much higher than increasing intervention for a…

EBSNA training

Below is a series of short pre-recorded training sessions introducing the nature and causes of EBSNA. The sessions complement the toolkit and could be used as part of group training, individual induction or CPD. Session 1 What do we mean by EBSNA Session one is a general introduction to EBSNA. It covers: What professionals mean when they use this term Who might be considered as presenting with EBSNA how Special Educational Needs and Disabilities might lead to EBSNA (using t…

Educational Psychologist School Support - Aylesbury

Educational Psychologists (EPs) undertake a range of work aimed at promoting inclusion, psychological well-being and raising standards for children and young people aged 0 to 19 years, across the full range of abilities. The Buckinghamshire County Council Educational Psychology Service (EPS) includes qualified Educational Psychologists registered with the Health and Care Professions Council, trainee Educational Psychologists on supervised placements, graduate Psychology Assistants and a managem…

Educational Psychologist School Support - Chiltern and South Bucks

Educational Psychologists (EPs) undertake a range of work aimed at promoting inclusion, psychological well-being and raising standards for children and young people aged 0 to 19 years, across the full range of abilities. The Buckinghamshire County Council Educational Psychology Service (EPS) includes qualified Educational Psychologists registered with the Health and Care Professions Council, trainee Educational Psychologists on supervised placements, graduate Psychology Assistants and a managem…

Educational Psychologist School Support - Wycombe

Educational Psychologists (EPs) undertake a range of work aimed at promoting inclusion, psychological well-being and raising standards for children and young people aged 0 to 19 years, across the full range of abilities. The Buckinghamshire County Council Educational Psychology Service (EPS) includes qualified Educational Psychologists registered with the Health and Care Professions Council, trainee Educational Psychologists on supervised placements, graduate Psychology Assistants and a managem…

Educational visits

Buckinghamshire Council has a dedicated Outdoor Advisory Team delivering advice, guidance and training around Educational Visits and developing Outdoor Learning. If you have any queries about educational visits, including Buckinghamshire Council Guidance documents or EVOLVE, the BC educational visits notification website, contact us.

EHC Needs Assessments and template letters

Requesting an EHC Needs Assessment If parents and the professionals who support a child believe she or he requires support which is over and above that ordinarily available from mainstream resources, a request may be made for an EHC Needs Assessment. The request will usually be made by the education setting, but parents can make the request themselves. If parents wish to make the request, we will need to contact the child’s education setting to find out what support they have provided,…

EHC Plans

EHC plan blank example This may not be accessible EHCP Needs Assessments and template letters EHCP Annual Reviews About EHCPs Most children and young people will have their needs met through universal mainstream provision for example, in school via SEN Support. EHC Plans provide support over and above that which is ordinarily available within mainstream education settings and aim to support access to learning and development of independence. EHC Plans are for children and young p…

EHCP health content checklist

Download as a Word document This version may not be accessible Name : Date of Birth : Review of the Health Content of the EHCP at the Annual Review Is there a Parental or Youth Annual Review Health Questionnaire attached to this form – please ask parents/carers/young person to complete Y/N Is there any information in Appendix C to evidence existing health needs?…

Emergency Actions

The following are to be used by visit leaders and used in the event of an emergency during an Educational Visit. There is a flowchart of actions for obtaining help and support and an incident action card . An incident log for recording a log of events should also be kept: Response Procedure Serious Incident Actions Incident Log Incident Log Keep a detailed log of actions and conversations as they take place. Include nature of instructions given, names, addresses, telephone…

Emergency plan

Background The purpose of an emergency management plan is firstly to allow consideration of various types of emergency and how the school is placed to deal with them, and secondly to give the school community confidence when faced with a crisis. Although overall accountability lies with the school employer, other senior school managers involved in the day to day running of the school also have responsibility for the health and safety of staff and pupils. Responsibility for fire safety in sch…

Emergency response procedure

An incident or emergency may include: school flooding / fire / pupils in vehicle crash / outbreak of infectious disease / incident involving emergency services on a school visit / death or serious injury / terrorism / incident likely to attract media attention School makes assessment and if escalation required activates its Emergency Plan (If a visit, Visit Leader speaks to School Emergency Contact for advice / support) If Council support required school calls the BC Resilience Team…

Emotionally Based School Non-Attendance (EBSNA) Toolkit

The EBSNA (also known as EBSA) toolkit provides guidance and resources for professionals working in or with schools. It should be used to develop an understanding of what leads children and young people to feel that they must avoid school. The toolkit provides practical guidance on decision-making as well as detailed guidance on: preventative strategies assessing needs intervention planning. It should be used in partnership with children, young people and their parents/c…

Employee assistance programme

From 1 st April 2023, your EAP is provided by TP Health t/a Optima Health and is a completely independent and confidential personal support service which is available free of charge, for standard services, to schools where the Council is the employer. The Service A totally confidential 24 hour/365 day phone line for employees and their immediate family living at the same address. Up to 6 counselling/support sessions are available for employees (not immediate family). A confidenti…

Employer responsibilities

For information on background, local and DfE guidance for Statutory and Non-Statutory documents please click on any of the topic areas above.

Equality and Diversity

In partnership with Equaliteach we are pleased to offer schools a new model policy that can be adapted to your setting. This model policy includes sections on Fulfilling your public sector equality duty, Guidance and a template for setting your Equality Objectives and Action plan and An Equality Impact Assessment form. For more information on Equalities, if you have any queries regarding issues, or require training in your organisation contact: Yvette Thomas -Equalities and School Impr…

Equality around Disabilities

The House of Commons Petitions Committee has published draft recommendations and launched an inquiry into online abuse and the experience of disabled people. For more information: The right to participate – Disability Rights UK Equality Act awareness website. Online abuse and the experience of disabled people: draft recommendations for consultation Online abuse and the experience of disabled people Resources: Educate against Hate - a government website that has a wide range of re…

Equality information

Applies to Maintained Schools Academies Free Schools Pupil Referral Units Background Under specific duties, governing boards, local authorities and proprietors are required to draw up equality objectives every four years. Publication of information in future years should include evidence of the steps being taken and progress made towards meeting these equality objectives. Governing Bodies should annually publish information demonstrating how they are meeting the aims of…


Sharing nudes and semi-nudes Sharing nudes and semi-nudes for education settings working with children and young people (Government guidance) Other resources Equalities/E-Safety (SchoolsWeb) Internet Matters ThinkUKnow Kidscape UK Safer Internet Centre

Escalation Protocol

The Integrated SEND Service endeavours to always work with you to support all of our children and young people in Buckinghamshire to achieve the best possible outcomes. We pride ourselves on our service ambition, and strive to achieve excellent service, through working in partnership with all other professionals, and children and families. If you feel that the service is not supporting the delivery of outcomes in the way that it should, you can escalate your concerns using the following proc…

Escalation Protocol - Aylesbury

The Integrated SEND Service endeavours to always work with you to support all of our children and young people in Buckinghamshire to achieve the best possible outcomes. We pride ourselves on our service ambition, and strive to achieve excellent service, through working in partnership with all other professionals, and children and families. If you feel that the service is not supporting the delivery of these outcomes in the way that it should, you can escalate your concerns using the followin…

Escalation protocol - Chiltern and South Bucks

If you feel that the service is not supporting the delivery of outcomes in the way that it should, you can escalate your concerns using the following procedure. Step 1 Contact your designated Education, Health, and Care Co-ordinator (EHCCo). You can find the most up-to-date list on our Local Offer by clicking the link below. Education, Health, and Care (EHC) Co-ordinators Step 2 Your first point of contact should be to speak to the relevant member of staff directly, either as par…

Escalation protocol - Wycombe

If you feel that the service is not supporting the delivery of outcomes in the way that it should, you can escalate your concerns using the following procedure. Step 1 Contact your designated Education, Health and Care Co-ordinator (EHCCo). You can find the most up-to-date list on our SEND Local Offer website by going to the EHCCo search If your concern is still not addressed to your satisfaction, you can escalate the issue to a more senior member of staff. Step 2 Your first poin…


Virtually all schools and academies in Buckinghamshire use the online visit approval system for educational visits EVOLVE. EVOLVE is an online system for the planning, approval and management of educational visits, sports fixtures and extra-curricular activities. The Educational Visits Service provides access, updates and training for school Educational Visits Coordinators (EVC’s) and EVC Admin users to the system, plus introductory sessions for new Headteachers and School Governors about…

Example Procedure

Visits/activities within the ‘School Local Learning Area’ that are part of the normal curriculum and take place during the normal school day follow the Operating Procedure below. These visits/activities: do not require parental consent (state if there are any situations where you would like parents to be informed in advance, e.g. via a slip sent home). do not normally need additional risk assessments / notes (other than following the Operating Procedure below). you choose to reco…

Exclusion procedures

Background Good discipline in schools is essential to ensure that all pupils can benefit from the opportunities provided by education. This includes having clear policies and procedures in place to manage behaviour. Exclusion procedures may form part of the school’s Behaviour Policy. The decision to exclude a pupil must be lawful, reasonable and fair. Headteachers, Principals, Teachers in Charge of PRUs, GBs, LAs and Independent Review Panels must have regard to the DfE guidance, and i…


Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership The guide should be used alongside the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (BSCP) CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation) Policy to support the preliminary assessment of children aged up to 18 (or 25 with a learning difficulty) when a professional has concerns that a child may be at risk of or is a victim of sexual exploitation. Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (BSCP) Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Child E…

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