
A-Z Listing


Packed lunches

Children and young people need a consistent message about diet. Schools will be developing a Whole School Food Policy which should include guidance on packed lunches and other food brought into schools. Buckinghamshire Trading Standards has carried out research into packed lunch items and nutritionally analysed the most popular choices. The Department for Education has offered some guidance .

Paediatric Moving and Handling (excluding hoists)

Suitable for - this course is appropriate for staff who are new to moving and handling and as the annual update and those involved in supporting pupils with mobility problems, who do not require to be hoisted. The course will focus on the particular issues that may arise in the paediatric setting, but the use of mechanical aids such as hoists will not be covered. Thus it will be useful for supervisory staff or workers manually assisting children to move. Refresher training required? - yes…

Paediatric Moving and Handling Assessor Training Refresher

Suitable for - the designated person in a special school or ARP who has been given the responsibility to assess the loads when moving and handling pupils with mobility problems and has already completed the 2 day course. Refresher training required? – yes, annually This course will enable trainees to understand the importance of an ergonomic approach to assessing manual handling operations. It will teach an appreciation of the factors associated with back pain risks, and sufficient anatom…

Paediatric Moving and Handling including Hoists Training

Suitable for – this is a requirement for any employee who is involved in moving and handling or supporting pupils with mobility problems; Refresher training required? – yes, annually Hoisting and the problems of handling children with complex needs will be discussed and practised, using equipment and positioning aids, particularly for children with special needs. Time will be devoted to demonstration and practice of current accepted good practice in moving children in a variety of care se…

Paediatric Moving and Handling Load Assessor Training

Suitable for - the designated person in a special school or ARP who has been given the responsibility to assess the loads when moving and handling pupils with mobility problems Refresher training required? – yes, annually This course will enable trainees to understand the importance of an ergonomic approach to assessing manual handling operations. It will teach an appreciation of the factors associated with back pain risks, and sufficient anatomy and biomechanics to facilitate understandi…

Part 2: Identification and early intervention

This section outlines the steps required to: identify the needs of children and young people experiencing EBSNA, make early interventions, and reduce an escalation in their EBSNA. It outlines the importance of working with parents before offering practical strategies for working with children and young people .

PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) Training

Suitable for - staff nominated to carry out electrical testing of Portable Electrical Equipment. Any person carrying out portable appliance testing MUST attend an approved course Refresher training required? - yes, every three years The Electricity at Work Regulations imposes duties on employers and employees to ensure that all electrical systems are regularly maintained. This includes the necessity of having a system in place for the regular inspection and testing of portable electrical…


Performance is a wide-ranging topic within our HR zone relating to the performance of schools and their staff. Topics include organisation change, staff performance and capability toolkits to assist with the process. For conduct and discipline or grievance issues, there is information available on meditation and the availability of hearing packs should the process go ahead.

Performance Review Governor

Governing Boards are required carry out an Annual Performance Management Review for headteachers. The deadline for completion of the headteacher’s Performance review is the 31st December in each year. Depending on your Performance Management Policy, you must appoint two or three individual governors to act on the board's behalf. NB: If yours is a Voluntary Aided school you should ensure that if you appoint two governors then one must be a foundation governor and if you appoint three governor…

Personal Safety Awareness Training

Personal safety training will help delegates to anticipate risks to their personal safety and plan to avoid and reduce or manage those risks. This course can be tailored to suit your requirements. Aims of the course: What is personal safety? Address personal safety risks relating to your job role Be aware of situations where your personal safety may be at risk Understand the importance of planning ahead Feel more confident when dealing with aggression Know how to and who…

Physical activity

Overview Physical activity contributes to physical health, mental and social well-being and life-skill development for children. “If physical activity were a drug, we would refer to it as a miracle cure, due to the great many illnesses it can prevent and help treat.” Professor Dame Sally Davies. How much physical activity is enough? All children and young people aged between 5-18 should be doing a minimum of 60 minutes of moderate-intensity (that’s generating a sweat or becoming out of…

Physical Disabilities Team

The role of the Physical Disabilities (PD) Team is to promote the successful inclusion and progress of children and young people (CYP) with a range of physical disabilities to achieve their personal best, working in partnership with settings, parents and other agencies. The team offers an advisory service and work term time only. Who do they support The PD Team work with CYP with or without an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) from early years up to the age of 25. The Specialis…

Policies and procedures

Policies are intended to determine how the school works. The statutory ones are largely strategic; they should determine how the school addresses certain key processes by providing a framework for action by the headteacher and staff. Most schools will have several other policies in addition to the statutory ones, which the governing board does not have to approve (though it may, in agreement with the headteacher, still do so for some of them). Often these will be operational and may inclu…

Premises management documents (statutory)

Applies to Maintained Schools, Academies, Free Schools, Sixth Form Colleges, Pupil Referral Units, Independent Schools, Non Maintained Special Schools Background There are many aspects of school premises that require safe management and maintenance such as asbestos, fire safety and statutory testing. For an overview of the legislation and compliance requirements, please see this Compliance Monitoring for Council Buildings report which sets out responsibilities for employers and duty ho…

Presenting social interaction

Social interaction refers to the behaviour of individuals who are partaking in a joint activity. In regards to communication, social interaction refers to the child’s communicative behaviours, for example: the child's speech style dependent on the context cultural influences on the child's communicative interaction gender differences that may impact the child's communication the impact of one language on another (for children who are bilingual or multilingual) code-switchin…


Prevent is one of the key elements of CONTEST, the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy. Prevent helps to protect society from terrorism by supporting people who are at risk of radicalisation and offering them appropriate interventions. Radicalisation means someone is being encouraged to develop extreme views or beliefs in support of terrorist groups and activities. There are many different types of radicalisation and Prevent deals with all of them. Schools working with other local par…

Prevent duty

Channel Channel is a key part of the Government’s Prevent Strategy which aims to stop people from being drawn into terrorist-related activity. Many organisations are subject to the Prevent Duty which requires them to ‘ Have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism .’ Violent extremism is a real threat to all communities. Violent extremists actively aim to damage community relations and create division. It is vital and a legal duty that we all work togeth…

Previously looked after children

Following the Children and Social Work Act 2017 , the work of the Virtual School was extended to include a wider group of children, specifically those who were previously looked after by a local authority. The DFE February 2018 Guidance defines PLAC as a child “who is no longer looked after in England and Wales because s/he is the subject of an adoption, special guardianship or child arrangements order”… or has been adopted from ‘state care’ outside England and Wales if s/he is in the care o…

Privacy notice for pupils and staff

Schools, Academies, Local Authorities (LA), the Department for Education (DfE) and other educational bodies that process personal data about pupils and staff are required by General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) to issue a Notice to parents/pupils and staff to inform them of the purposes for which that personal data may be held and used. GDPR is effective from 25 May 2018 and introduce new mandatory procedures for data management in the UK. The updated privacy notice template is designed t…

Products and Services

Whole School Support Our Whole School solution includes Curriculum and Admin network support, MIS Support and Financial Systems Support. When all support is under one roof it provides ease and simplicity for users; a single point of contact for hardware and software - No confusion on who supports what! Support Offered: Software and hardware support provided. Mixture of remote & On-site resolution of issues and service requests. Server software updates, patches and hotfixes…


This page has been set up by the Public Health PSHE Lead to support PSHE subject leaders, teachers, and other professionals to deliver high-quality PSHE education to our pupils in Buckinghamshire. This distinct curriculum subject is vital in supporting all pupils to manage their lives during and beyond the Covid crisis. A key outcome for PSHE education is that children and young people know when, where, and how to access support if they need help. Personal, Social, Health and Economic…

PSHE Guidance

From Sept 2020 Relationships (primary), RSE (secondary), and Health Education became statutory aspects of the school curriculum in all state-funded schools. Sex education at primary remains recommended but non-statutory. Whilst PSHE has not achieved statutory status across the board, Health and Relationships/Relationships and Sex Education constitute a significant part of PSHE. PSHE remains a distinct discipline to be taught as part of the school curriculum and includes the non-statutory elemen…

PSHE Leadership

Quality PSHE Education is dependent on the competence, confidence, and commitment of the PSHE subject leader. As a PSHE lead in school it is vital that you have access to training, have sound subject knowledge, strong leadership skills and are well informed about national and local initiatives and statutory requirements. In Buckinghamshire, the Council’s Public Health Team has funded a PSHE Lead post to promote high-quality PSHE across the local authority and to provide support and guidance to…

Public Services Network (PSN)

Bucks PSN Guidance for Schools Not part of the ICT Schools Team Full details of the PSN Service Offering can be located under P on the A-Z index Below are links to guidance on using Bucks PSN Services for Schools please contact the PSN for further information and Support

Pupil Education Plan (PEP)

A Personal Education Plan (PEP) is a document describing a course of action to help a child or young person reach their full academic and life potential. It is a legal requirement for every child and young person in care of statutory school age to have their PEP reviewed at least three times each academic year. The PEP Document is initiated by the Buckinghamshire Virtual School liaison teacher/officer. This document is then completed at a meeting attended by the designated teacher , the soci…

Pupil Premium Governor

It is recommended that each governing board has a Governor responsible for reporting back to the Full Governing Board on how well the school can account for the provision for pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium grant. Fact Sheet: Role of the PP Governor

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